From Hal Helms’ article on the subject.
Using the BitAnd function within ColdFusion is a great way to manage the security of parts of your website.
First agree a list of secure features and assign them a number in the range 2 to the power X, ie 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, …
0 = No access
1 = Login access
2 = Add entry
4 = Edit entry
8 = Delete entry
Next assign each user a security clearance value which is the sum of the features you wish them to have access to. For example.
- A user with just login rights would have a security value of 1 (login = 1).
- An author would have a value of 3 (login + add = 1 + 2).
- An editor would have a value of 7 (login + add + edit = 1 + 2 +4).
- An administrator would have a value of 15 (login + add + edit + delete = 1 + 2 + 4 +8).
- The Helpdesk could have a value of 9 (login + delete = 1 + 8).
Finally bracket your code with with a CFIF which uses BitAnd to test the security clearance of the logged in user.
<cfif BitAnd(userPermissionLevel, requiredPermissionLevel)>
<p>You are cleared to edit this entry</p>
<p>Sorry, but you don't have the permission to edit an entry.</p>
Where userPermissionLevel = 9 and requiredPermissionLevel = 4. Therefore BitAnd(9, 4) = 0 which is false. Visually, in binary, it looks like this.
2 ^ X = 1 2 4 8
9 = 1 0 0 1
4 = 0 0 1 0
BitAnd = 0 0 0 0